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Je vous remercie de votre intérêt pour le concert Open Borders

Thank you for your interest in the Open Borders concert


Vous trouverez toutes les informations tarifaires et les disponibilités ci-dessous

You'll find the conditions and availability below


Contactez-moi pour plus de détails

Feel free to contact me for further informations


 "Le Piano Sacré, an original and original proposal. It's a parenthesis, a bubble out of time, a regenerating cocoon, a nourishing, soft, simple and intensely sublime moment._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

I experienced this moment as a journey, a meditation. 
A sacred song that caresses my soul, a magnificent care full of sweetness and intensity, a vibratory rise. I felt it powerfully throughout my body. 
Armel reveals the nuggets and lifts the veils marvelously. He welcomes everything with delicacy and the treatment begins with a verbal exchange. I felt confident and very well supported. Thanks Armel. "


Jennifer Z

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